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primeFISH Products               Solid Tumor


                                                                  17-219 NTRK2 (9q21) BREAKAPART

          NTRK2 (neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase 2; also   anci neck squamous celi carcinoma, anci lung acienocarci
          known as TRKB) is a receptor tyrosine kinase (TK) that   noma. NTRK2 rearrangements result in fusion of the 3’
          phosphorylates itself anci members of the MAPK pathway   enci of the NTRK2 gene with the 5’ enci of an activating
          after binciing of brain-cie  riveci growth factor (BDGF) anci   partner gene. More than 20 ciifferent fusion partners
          neurotrophin 4/5 (NT-4/5).. it plays an important role in   of NTRK2 have been icientifieci. AII these fusion genes
          the cievelopment of the central anci peripheral nervous   encocie hybrici proteins containing the TK portion of
          systems anci celi survival. Translocations affecting the   NTRK2 anci the N terminus of partner proteins encociing
          NTRK2 gene have been reporteci in several types of cancer,   the ciimerization portions, resulting in liganci-inciepen
          incluciing glioblasto  mas, pilocytic astrocytomas, heaci   cient TK activity.


                        WI-9204  SHGC-142742  D9S201  RH25851
                                        5'  3'
                     Gen                                   Tel
                                      NTRK2                                 NORMAL
                            808 kb                501 kb



                                  (Not to scale)

                                                                         Cocco E, et al. (2018) Nat Rev Clin Oncol 15: 731-47.
                                                                              Hsiao SJ, et al. (2019) J Mol Diagn 21: 553-71.
                                                                         Raez LE & Rolfo C (2016) Lung Cancer Manag 5: 1-4.
                                                                                Wu G, et al. (2014) Nat Genet 46: 444-50.

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