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primeFISH Products               Solid Tumor


                                                                      17-242 ALK (2p23) /EML4 (2p21)

          Through the use of this probe one can distinguish be-  gastric and colorectal cancers. Many different breakpoints
          tween EML4-ALK inversions and trans  locations, such   affecting ALK and EML4 have been identified in these
          as ALK-TFG or ALK-KIF5B, that affect ALK but not EML4.   inversions. Thus, multiple EML4-ALK transcript variants
          lnversions of [inv(2)(p2lp23)] on the short arm of chro-  have been identified and all contain the intracellular ki-
          mosome 2 have been frequently detected in non-small   nase portion of ALK. ALK kinase-targeted thera  pies can
          celi lung cancer (NSCLC) and can lead to the generation   provide a very effective therapeutic strategy in NSCLC
          of EML4-ALK fusion transcripts. Several literatures have   patients with EML4-ALK rearrangements.
          also described EML4-ALK fusion transcripts in breast,



                  SHGC-100079  RH103820  RH35185  SHGC-145883
                              3'          5'
                 Tel                         Gen
                      624 kb          908 kb

                         SHGC-103503  D2S1482
                              3'  5'
                        Tel            Gen
                               1.7 mb

                    (Not to scale)

                                                                        Kievits T, et al. (1990) Cytogenet Cell Genet 53: 134-6.
                                                                           Preusser M, et al. (2013) Lung Cancer 80: 278-83.
                                                                          Rodig SJ, et al. (2009) Clin Cancer Res 15: 5216-23.

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