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Solid Tumor  primeFISH Products



              17-014 ROS1 (6q22) Breakapart

              The ROSl (ROS proto-oncogene 1, receptor tyrosine kinase)   implicated in Glioblastoma and Chol  angiocarcinoma.
              gene is located at 6q22.1 and encodes a receptor tyrosine   Fusions of ROSl activate the pSTAT3, Pl3K/ AKT/ mTOR
              kinase. Translocations affecting ROSl have been identified   and SHP-2 phosphatase pathways. GOPC-ROSl fusions
              in glio  blastoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and non-small celi   occur asa result of interstitial deletion of approximately
              lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients with ROSl rearrangements   240 kb at 6q22.1. ROSl rearrangements are thought to
              have been shown to respond to treatment with ALK/MET   define a subset of molecular NSCLC with distinct clinical
              tyrosine kinase inhibi  tors such as Xalkori®(crizotinib). ROSl   features similar to that observed in NSCLC patients with
              rearrangements with its fusion partner GOPC (containing   ALK rearrangements.
              the golgi-associated PDZ and helix motif) have alsa been


                          RH28384  SHGC-149552  RH104060  RH68126               NORMAL
                               5'  3'    3'  5'   3'  5'
                         Gen                             Tel
                              FAM162B   ROS1     GOPC
                               740 kb            369 kb

                     6q22.1                                                    DELETION

                             (Not to scale)

              Bergethon K, et al. (2012) J Clin Oncol 30: 863-70.
              Bos M, et al. (2013) Lung Cancer 81: 142-3.
              Lee SE, et al. (2015) Mod Pathol 28: 468-79.
              Charest A et al., Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2003;37:58-71
              Matsuura et al., Oncol Rep. 2013 Oct;30(4):1675-80
              Charest A et al., Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2003;37:58-71

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