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Solid Tumor primeFISH Products
17-220 ALK (2p23) Breakapart
The ALK (ALK receptor tyrosine kinase) gene encodes on chromosome t(2;5) 5q35. This rearrangement results
the transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase. This gene in an NPMl-ALK (analog EML4-MK) fusion protein, which
exhibits characteristic oncogene activities through fusion is primarily acti vated by autophosphorylation and then
to several gene partners or through mutations in both mediates malignant celi transformation by activating
hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic solid tumors. downstream effectors such as STAT3. in addition, [inv(2)
Translocations affecting the ALK gene locus are fre- (p2lp23)] inversions affecting the ALK gene on the short
quently found in anaplastic large celi lym phoma (ALCL), arm of chromosome 2 have been frequently detected in
an aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma originating from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and lead to the gener-
T-cells. The most common translocation occurs asa result ation of EML4-ALK fusion transcripts. ALK kinase-targeted
ofa fusion with the NPMl (nucleophosmin; also known as therapies can provide a very effective therapeutic strategy
nucleolar phosphoprotein B23, numatrin) gene located in NSCLC patients with EML4-ALK rearrangements.
SHGC-100079 RH103820 RH35185 SHGC-145883
3' 5'
Tel Gen
624 kb 908 kb
(Not to scale) References
Marileila Varella-Garcia et al., Association of molecular pathology: Solid Tumour Review. 2010
Lin et al., Mol Cancer Res. 2009;7(9):1466-1476
Von Laffert M, et al. (2013) Lung Cancer 81: 200-6.
Sasaki T, et al. (2010) Eur J Cancer 46: 1773-80.
Palmer RH, et al. (2009) Biochem J 420: 345-61.