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Medical Genetics  Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Products



               Ankylosing Spondylitis HLA-8*27 Real             Sex Determination (SRY and Y-chr.
               Time hD-frt Kit                                  analysis)

              Product No: 1108-25hB                             Differences in the sexes are due to irregularities in the
                                                                X and Y chro mosomes. X-monosomy karyotype is seen
              The genes encoding human leukocyte antigen (HLA) are   in 50-60% of gonadal dys genesis cases. The remaining
              highly poly  morphic genes and are located in the Major   50-40% includes numerical and struc tural changes in the
              Histocompatibility Com plex (MHC) on the short arm of   X and Y chromosomes.
              chromosome 6. These genes encode basically two classes
              of celi surface glycoproteins. The frequency of alleles of   The SRY gene plays an important role in both male sex
              genes encoding these proteins varies from population   development and testicular development. The abnormal
              to population. The HLA-B27 allele is approximately 9%   SRY gene can cause sex reassignment. Cytogenetic an-
              common in Cau casians. The first clinical relationship   alyzes may not always detect such irregularities in the Y
              between HLA-B27 and Ancholys ing Spondylitis (AS) was   chromosome. Numerical and structural irregular  ities in
              demonstrated in the 1980s. After this finding, the presence   the Y chromosome are associated with Turner Syndrome,
              of the HLA-B27 allele has been associated with many other   Pseudohermaphroditism, Male Dysgenetic and Mixed
              rheumatoid diseases such as Reiter’s Syndrome (RS) and   Gonadal Dys  genesıs.
              Acute Anterior Uveitis (AAU). Recent studies have shown
              its relationship with many other diseases such as heart
              valve diseases, cardiac conduc tion diseases and immune
              system diseases.

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