Page 62 - DIAGEN
P. 62
Species Determination Panel Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Products
Real-time PCR Kit for methicillin (MRSA) resistance was Since this bacterium lives on the skin, it can easily be
developed far the in vitro detection of methicillin-contain- transmitted between indi viduals and is usually seen
ing Staphylococcus aureus genomes. The kit has been in hospital-ac quired infections. S. aureus can cause a
designed to have the broadest possible detection profile variety of different infections, from mild skin infections
while remain ing specific to the S. aureus genome. The such as impetigo to inva sive diseases and toxic-mediated
primer sequences in this kit have 100% homology to a diseas es. Production of exotoxins known as pyro genic
wide range of MRSA-con taining S. aureus sequences asa toxin superantigens in some strains of S. aureus can
result of extensive bioinformatics analysis. The resistance cause toxic shock syn drome. Realtime PCR is the fastest
gene mecA is used to detect resistance to methicillin.S. and most reliable method of performing an accurate S.
aureus is a Gram-positive bacterium from the Staphy- aureus detection.
lococcaceae family. The genome of this species is about
2.8 Mb in length. Virulence factors far S. aureus are
encoded by phages, pathogenicity islands, staphylococ-
cal cassette chro mosome, and plasmids that contain
genes for antibiotic resistance, such as those found in
Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus (MRSA). S. aureus can be
found on the skin and mucous membranes of healthy
individuals, but erosion of these barriers allows bacteria
to enter the wound, colonize and cause infection.