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Company Profıle
                                                       RESERACH AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

           PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Analyses              Sequencing Service                                   RESERACH AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

          Within the R&D unit of Diagen Biotechnology, genetic   Sanger Sequencing Analyses
          research is conducted using PCR systems, specializing
          in mutation analyses, molecular diagnosis, and species   Diagen Biotechnology provides services for your projects
          typing with an expert team. In addition to routine ser-  with DNA sequencing analyses. Using Sanger sequencing
          vices, laboratory support is provided for projects. Our   systems, sequence analyses of samples, nucleic acids, or
          laboratory and bioinformatics unit, staffed with experts,   PCR products are conducted, and results are delivered
          work to provide reliable services by listening to individual   as quickly as possible.
          needs and preferences.
                                                                Genetic material sequencing processes are carried out
          In our laboratory, we use Roche LightCycler 480 II, ABI7500   using the ABI Prism Genetic Analyzer.
          Fast, ESCO 96, and Qiagen Rotor Gene Q devices, capable
          of providing accurate measurements for conventional PCR   Serological Analyses
          (ABI Veriti and Aeris) and real-time PCR studies.
                                                                Our goal is to provide personalized service by meeting
          Our goal is to provide personalized services by meeting   individual requests such as reporting format, turnaround
          individual requests such as reporting format, turnaround   time, and plan changes based on the methods used in
          time, and plan changes based on the methods used in   the studies.
          the studies.
                                                                In ELISA diagnostic and research kit applications:
           Key Focus Areas in PCR Studies:                      - Relevant applications for the kits

          - Mutation Analyses                                   - Relevant analyses after application

          - Allele Detection
                                                                - Reporting is carried out
          - Hydrolysis and Hybridization Probe-based QPCR
                                                                Design of Primers and Probe Sets
          - Non-Specific qPCR (EvaGreen, SybrGreen, and Interca-
          lating Dyes)                                          Within the scope of your studies, primer and probe sets
                                                                are designed according to the experimental purpose.
          - Gene Expression Analyses                            In the design consultancy, genetic information of the

                                                                desired species is examined, and designs are created
          - Telomere Length Analyses
                                                                for conventional PCR, dsDNA-binding dyes, hydrolysis,
          - miRNA Expression Analyses                           and hybridization probes.

            - miRNA Profiling
            - miRNA Pathway Analyses

          - cDNA Synthesis

          - Specific Primer and Probe Design
          - Methylation Analyses

          - Optimization Studies

          - Specificity and Sensitivity Studies
            - Primer and Probe Optimizations

            - Device Optimization                                                                         

            - Internal Laboratory Inspection
            - External Laboratory Inspection

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