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Microbiology / Infection Panel
                                                                         Molecular Diagnostic Products

                                                                        INFECTION PANEL

           Hepatitis C Qualitative Rt-PCR kit               Hepatitis C Quantitive Rt-PCR kit

          The Hepatitis C virus primarily causes Hepatitis C disease,   The Hepatitis C virus primarily causes Hepatitis C disease,
          affecting the liver through transmission, mainly via blood,   affecting the liver through transmission, mainly via blood,
          as well as through sexual contact and transmission from   as well as through sexual contact and transmission from
          mother to child via the placenta. The DiaRD-HCV RT-qPCR   mother to child via the placenta. The DiaRD-HCV RT-qPCR
          Qualitative Kit is a real-time reverse transcription poly-  Quantitative Kit is a real-time reverse transcription poly-
          merase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) diagnostic kit developed   merase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) diagnostic kit developed
          for the purpose of detecting the presence of HCV RNA in   for the quantitative determination of HCV RNA load in
          the plasma of Hepatitis C patients. The kit includes primers   the plasma of Hepatitis C patients in an in vitro environ-
          that amplify a 105-base region within the 5’ untranslated   ment. The kit includes primers that amplify a 105-base
          region (UTR) of the HCV genome, along with a TaqMan   region within the 5’ untranslated region (UTR) of the HCV
          probe for detection.                              genome, along with a TaqMan probe for detection and
                                                            quantification standards used to determine RNA quantity.
          In the presence of HCV RNA in the sample, during the
          amplification program applied after the reverse transcrip-  In the presence of HCV RNA in the sample, during the
          tion stage, the target region is amplified using forward   amplification program applied after the reverse transcrip-
          and reverse primers. During the annealing stage of the   tion stage, the target region is amplified using forward
          amplification program, TaqMan probes bind to the tar-  and reverse primers. During the annealing stage of the
          get region. In the extension stage, the DNA polymerase   amplification program, TaqMan probes bind to the tar-
          enzyme cleaves the probe from its 5’ end, freeing it from   get region. In the extension stage, the DNA polymerase
          the suppressor at the 3’ end and emitting fluorescence.   enzyme cleaves the probe from its 5’ end, freeing it from
          The resulting fluorescent signals are collected throughout   the suppressor at the 3’ end and emitting fluorescence.
          the amplification process and reported in the form of   The resulting fluorescent signals are collected throughout
          amplification graphs.                             the amplification process and reported in the form of
                                                            amplification graphs.

                                                            The HCV RNA load in positive samples is determined
                                                            using data from IU/mL corresponding to quantification
                                                            standards (KS1-KS4) and their corresponding Ct values,
                                                            generated from a standard curve created in each study.


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