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primeFISH Products               Hermatology


                                                                             17-134 MLL-MLLT4 t(6;11)

          The KMT2A (MLL) gene located at 11q23 is rearranged in   MLLT1, MLLT10, ELL, and AFDN (MLLT4), respectively.
          the majority of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or acute   The MLLT4 (AFDN) gene is located at 6q27. KMT2A-AFDN
          myeloid leukemia (AML) patients, and in approximately   fusions result from translocations of the t(6;11)(q27;q23)
          10% of all acute leukemia patients. In infants, the incidence   type. The most frequent breakpoint is located in intron
          of KMT2A rearrangements is around 70-80%. KMT2A is   9 of the KMT2A gene, leading to this translocation. A
          a nuclear protein with methyltransferase activity and is   significant proportion of ALL patients have borderline
          involved in the regulation of target genes necessary for   values for the 1st or 2nd exon of the AFDN gene. T-cell
          early development and hematopoiesis as part of multiple   ALL patients show a significantly higher percentage of
          protein complexes. KMT2A has been identified to have   KMT2A-AFDN and KMT2A-MLLT1 fusions compared to
          over 80 fusion partners. The most common translocation   other subgroups of ALL patients.
          partners in KMT2A-associated leukemia are AFF1, MLLT3,


                                       RH37393     SHGC-145679
                                               3'  5'
                                     Gen                  Tel               NORMAL
                                           MLLT4 (AFDN)

                                              505 kb

                                      WI-9069       D11S797
                                               5' 3'
                                     Gen                  Tel           TRANSLOCATION

                                              485 kb

                      11q23.3                                           TRANSLOCATION
                 6q27                  (Not to scale)

                                                                     De Braekeleer M, et al. (2005) Anticancer Res 25: 1931-44.
                                                                     Ford DJ & Dingwall AK (2015) Cancer Genet 208(5): 178-91.
                                                                              Keefe JG, et al. (2010) J Mol Diagn 12: 441-52.
                                           Arsham, MS., Barch, MJ. and Lawce HJ. (eds.) (2017) The AGT Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual. New
                                                                                        Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
                                                                                 Kumar et al., Leuk Res. 2011;35(3):305-9

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