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primeFISH Products               Hermatology


                                                                    17-044 RARA (17q21) Breakapart

          RARA  gene has been found to have various fusion part-  on chromosome 17q21.2. In the majority of APL cases,
          ners, but in approximately 95% of acute promyelocytic   the fusion occurs between the RARA gene and the PML
          leukemia (APL) cases, rearrangements involving the PML   gene. However, in less than 5% of APL cases, the RARA
          gene on 15q24.1 are detected. The RARA gene is located   gene is involved in fusion with different fusion partners.


                 17q21.1-q21.2                                              NORMAL

                         RH125559   RH80710     RH54983    SHGC-83863
                                            3'  5'
                        Gen                                     Tel
                               452 kb                 169 kb               DELETION

                                (Not to scale)

                                                              Brockmann SR, et al. (2003) Cancer Genet and Cytogenet 145:144-51.
                                                                               Sanz MA, et al. (2009) Blood 113: 1875-91.
                                                                        Kievits T, et al. (1990) Cytogenet Cell Genet 53: 134-6.
                                                             Tomita et al., International Journal of Haematology 2013;97(6):717-725
                                                                            Zhang et al., Blood Reviews 2015;29(2):101-125

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