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primeFISH Products               Hermatology


                                                   17-001-B del (13q14) (D13S319) / LAMP1 (13q34)

          Deletions involving the 13q14 region are frequently ob-  prognostic relevance may be linked to other concurrent
          served in a wide range of hematological disorders. Chro-  genetic lesions. Deletions on the long arm of chromosome
          mosome 13q deletions occur in 16% to 40% of multiple   13 are also frequently detected in aggressive non-Hodgkin
          myeloma (MM) cases, with the majority being complete   lymphoma (NHL) patients. Therefore, when combined
          monosomy 13 (85%), while the remaining 15% represent   with other biological markers, morphology, and clinical
          deletions of 13q14. A case study in multiple myeloma   information, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a
          patients has narrowed down the critical deleted region to   valuable tool for predicting disease progression and overall
          13q14. Historically, 13q deletions have been associated   survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients.
          with poor prognosis in MM, but it is now believed that its

                              D13S319       D13S1556
                                      3'  5'
                           Gen                    Tel
                 13q14.2             405 kb

                             SHGC-110591    RH17637
                                      5'  3'
                            Gen                   Tel
                                     576 kb

                             (Not to scale)


                                                                         Ouillette P, et al. (2011) Clin Cancer Res 21: 6778-90.
                                           Arsham, MS., Barch, MJ. and Lawce HJ. (eds.) (2017) The AGT Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual. New
                                                                                        Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
                                                                            Nelson et al (2007) Am J Clin Pathol 128:323-332
                                                                           Doehner et al (2000) N Engl J Med 343:1910-1916

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