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primeFISH Products               Hermatology


                                                                               17-068 EGR1 del(5q31.2)

          Deletions covering the 5q3l.2 region are one of the most   a 5q deletion are treated with the FDA-approved lenalid-
          common karyotypic abnor  malities in myelodysplastic   omide, a thalidomide analogue. Dicentric chromosomes,
          syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with   including chromosome 5, have often been observed in
          changes due to myelodysplasia. in therapy-associated MDS   patients with de nova or thera  py-associated MDS and
          or AML, 40% of patients show a 5q deletion. The fact that   AML. These patients often show a complex karyotype. in
          EGRl deletion is associated with higher tumor grade in   such conditions, characterization of rearrangement by
          estrogen receptor negative (ER-negative) breast carcino-  conventional cytogenetics is hardly feasible. Therefore,
          mas suggests that loss of the EGRl gene may contribute   FISH can be a useful tool far diagnosis and treatment
          to the pathogenesis of ER-negative breast carcinomas.   decisions.
          Transfusion-independent, lower-risk MDS patients with


                               SHGC-149507      RH13582
                                         3'  5'
                             Tel                       Gen
                                        572 kb

                                  RH65951       RH69126
                                          5'  3'
                               Gen                    Tel
                                          EGR1                             DELETION
                                         529 kb

                                 (Not to scale)

                                                                               Boultwood et al (2010) Blood 16:5803-5811
                                                                      Wei et al (2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:12974-12979
                                           Arsham, MS., Barch, MJ. and Lawce HJ. (eds.) (2017) The AGT Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual. New
                                                                                        Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
                                                                         Tian J, et al. (2016) Intractable Rare Dis Res 5: 76-82.

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