Page 3 - DIAGEN
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Company Profıle



                                                                Developed Products
                     Diagen Biotechnology Inc. has
                     been established in 1998. At the           •   SARS-CoV-2 OneStep RT-PCR Kit (S-gene)
                     year of 2008 it has launched R&D               SARS-CoV-2 OneStep RT-PCR Kit
                     Department with cooperation                    (S-ORFlab)
                     with National Programmes and               •   Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Direct OneStep RT-
                     Universities which let company to              PCR kit (S/ORFlab) (including fast extraction
                     start developing diagnostic kits on            kit) VTM Solution (Viral Transport Medium)
                     Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetic         •   Extraction kits which takes 10 mins
                     Diagnostic field.                              (Thermal/Centrifugal/Benchtop)

                                                                •   SMA Real Time PCR kit
                     Diagen has a frame which following the latest
                     studies with latest technologies which allows us   •   Thrombophilia Panel Real Time PCR kit
                     to have dynamic structure tor developing products   •   FMF Panel Real Time PCR kit
                     on the fields of Medicine, Vet and Food safety.Now
                     with high-tech end products which numbers are   •   Y microdeletion PCR diagnostic kit (13
                     exceeding 200 Diagen exporting to vary of countries   microdeletion recognition)
                     and supporting national economical growth with   •   Species Designation tor Animals Real Time
                     including national and international scientists. Since   PCR kit
                     Covid-19 pandemic started Diagen focused on
                     diagnostic kits and with development of Real Time   •   Bacterial Menengitis Diagnosis kit
                     PCR kits at 2020 company received confirmation   (Pneumococcus, Meningococus, and
                     from Ministiry of Health and launched sales and   lnfluenza)
                     marketing activities abroad.
                                                                •   With FISH probe panels (Prenatal, Postnatal,
                                                                    Microdeletion, Hematologic and Pathologic
                                                                    probes) numbers are exceeding 200.


                     •   ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
                     •   ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
                     •   ISO 13485:2016 Medical Equipment Quality Management System TSE-HYB


                     •   primeFISH
                     •   AzoPlex

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