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Hermatology  primeFISH Products



              17-043 PML-RARA t(15;17)

              Translocations involving the PML (promyelocytic leukemia,   are NPMl at 5q35, NUMAl at llql3, ZBTB16 (PLZF) at llq23,
              also known as MYL) gene and the PARA (retinoic acid re-  STAT5B at 17q21, PRKARlA at 17q24, FIPlll at 4ql2, and BCOR
              ceptor alpha, RARa) gene are thought to be characteristic   at Xpll. Because the PML/RARA fusion is responsible for
              of acute promyelocyt  ic leukemia (APL), a subtype of acute   the response of these neoplasms to ali-trans retinoic acid
              myeloid leukemia. The PML-RARA fusion gene is created   (ATRA) therapy and other conven  tional chemotherapy,
              by the t(15;17)(q24;q21) translocation found in 90% of APL   it is important to correctly distinguish between t(15;17)
              cases, a leukemia that accounts for 5-8% of acute myeloid   translocations and those involving other RARA partners.
              leukemia (AML) cases. Variant RARA translocations may
              be observed in a subset of cases. Known fusion partners


                                       SHGC-144626    RH45099
                                                5'  3'
                                     Gen                    Tel
                                               589 kb                           NORMAL


                                        D17S1215      RH12872
                                                5'  3'
                                     Gen                    Tel
                   17q12-q21.2                  RARA                        TRANSLOCATION

                                               685 kb

                                     (Not to scale)                         TRANSLOCATION

              Sanz MA, et al. (2009) Blood 113: 1875-91.
              Kievits T, et al. (1990) Cytogenet Cell Genet 53: 134-6.
              Swerdlow et al., (eds,) WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissue, Lyon, France, 4th edition, IARC,2017
              Zhang et al., Blood Reviews 2015;29(2):101-125
              Tomita et al., International Journal of Haematology 2013;97(6):717-725

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