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primeFISH Products               Hermatology


                                                                              17-069 IGH-FGFR3 t(4;14)

          The FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) gene is   are observed in approximately 15-20% of MM patients.
          located in the 4pl6.3 region, and the IGH (immunoglobulin   Breakpoints for the 4Pl6.3 locus are located between
          heavy locus) is located in the 14q32.33 region. FGFR3   the FGFR3 gene and the 5’ end of the NSD2 gene. The
          encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase that regulates the   t(4;14)(pl6.3;q32.3) translo  cation is associated with up-
          downstream signaling chain after ligand binding. Fusion   regulation of FGFR3 and myeloma NSD2 (also known as
          of several part  ner genes (including the IGH locus), often   MMSET) portion protein. Patients with the FGFR3/IGH
          found in multiple myeloma (MM), can lead to ligand-in    translocation show an overall poor prognosis, which is
          dependent activation of the tyrosine kinase of the re-  only partially alleviated by the use of the newer agents
          sulting FGFR3 fusion protein. FGFR3/IGH trans  locations   bortezomib and lenalidomide.


                                 SHGC-68972   RH91968
                                         5'  3'
                                Gen                Tel
                                        726 kb

                                  RH65489     SHGC-144461
                                       3'    5'                         TRANSLOCATION
                                Gen                Tel

                14q12.33                1.5 mb

                         (Not to scale)

                                                                           Kalff A & Spencer A (2012) Blood Cancer J. 7: e89.
                                                                               Walker BA, et al. (2013) Blood 121: 3413-19
                                           Arsham, MS., Barch, MJ. and Lawce HJ. (eds.) (2017) The AGT Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual. New
                                                                                        Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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