25 September 2023, Monday
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Analysis
The R&D unit within **Diagen Biotechnology** conducts genetic research with its expert team, utilizing PCR systems for mutation analysis, molecular diagnostics, and species typing.
In addition to routine services, laboratory support is also provided for projects. Our experts in the laboratory and bioinformatics unit work to listen to your specific needs and requests, aiming to deliver reliable services.
Our laboratory is equipped with conventional PCR (ABI Veriti and Aeris) and real-time PCR systems, including the Roche LightCycler 480 II, ABI7500 Fast, ESCO 96, and Qiagen Rotor Gene Q devices, which can provide precise measurements for your experiments.
Our goal is to provide personalized services by meeting individual requests, such as reporting formats, turnaround times, and plan changes, based on the methods used in the studies.
Main Areas of Focus in PCR Studies:
- Mutation Analysis
- Allele Detection
- Hydrolysis and Hybridization Probe-Based qPCR
- Non-Specific qPCR (using EvaGreen, SybrGreen, and Intercalating Dyes)
- Gene Expression Analysis
- Telomere Length Analysis
- miRNA Expression Analysis
- miRNA Profiling
- miRNA Pathway Analyses
- cDNA Synthesis
- Specific Primer Probe Designs
- Methylation Analysis
- Optimization Studies
- Specificity and Sensitivity Studies
- Primer Probe Optimizations
- Equipment Optimization
- Internal Laboratory Testing
- External Laboratory Testing