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              Biostatistical Analyses

              Bioinformatics services are provided for PCR, Next-Gener-  Bioinformatic Analysis:
              ation Sequencing (NGS), and Sanger sequencing studies.
              Our team supports researchers from the beginning to the     - Raw Data (Sanger and NGS) Analyses.
              end of their projects, assisting in the interpretation of data.    - Cleaning of Raw Data.

              Analyses are conducted using applications and program-    - Determination of Quality Scores.
              ming languages such as SPSS, CopyCaller, R, and Python.
              Following the analyses, data visualization is performed,     - Alignment Processes.
              and training is provided for the interpretation of visuals.
                                                                  - Data Mining.
              Our team is dedicated to supporting researchers in mak-
              ing sense of their data, ensuring a comprehensive and     - Pathway Analyses.
              insightful analysis from the initiation to the conclusion     - Statistical Modeling.
              of your studies.

               Microbiota Analyses                                - Power Analyses.

              At Diagen, we conduct Microbiota projects domestically     - Alpha-Beta Diversity.
              using Illumina systems and our advanced server infra-
              structure. Microbiota studies are performed on stool,     - Density Tables.
              meconium, breast milk, vaginal swabs, cervical swabs,     - Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests.
              oral swabs, and skin swab samples.
                                                                  - Correlation and Regression Tests.
              Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) results from Illumina
              systems are obtained as raw data from the device and   Training on the Interpretation of Results:
              processed using the most up-to-date microbiome data-
              bases (Silva, greengenes, and others) with tools developed     Providing education on interpreting the results.
              by us and those openly published, as used in the Human
              Microbiome Project (see “Sample Report” for detailed   Nucleic Acid Extraction Analyses
              results and visuals).
                                                                Nucleic acid extraction kits are designed for the rapid
              Python and R programming languages are employed for   and pure extraction of nucleic acids from various tissues
              analyses and data visualizations (see “Statistical Analyses”   (blood, kidney, heart, lung, brain, muscle, liver, spleen,
              for a list of analyses conducted as part of the project).  etc.) and body fluids, as well as viruses, bacteria, fungi,
                                                                and cells cultured up to 5 x 10^6.
              Key Workstreams in Microbiota Projects:
                                                                Nucleic acid purification kits achieve high efficiency in
              Consultancy for Project Preliminary Preparation:
                                                                a short time using optimized reagents and protocols.
              Providing guidance for the initial setup of the project.  When applied according to the protocol instructions,
                                                                the optimized systems yield results with A260/280 ratios
              Storage and Transfer of Samples under Appropriate   between 1.7-1.9 and A260/230 ratios between 1.6-2.1.
              Conditions (-80°C):
                                                                These kits are available in spin-column, air-flow system,
              Ensuring proper preservation and transfer of samples.  and magnetic bead-based formats to suit your needs.
              Nucleic Acid Purification Processes: Conducting purifi-  The obtained DNA and RNA can be directly used in PCR,  Sequencing (NGS):                      Sequencing, and enzymatic reactions.
              cation processes for nucleic acids.
                                                                qPCR, RT-PCR, Northern/Southern Blot, Next-Generation

              Performing sequencing using Illumina systems.

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