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primeFISH Products               Hermatology


                                                                                      17-004 p16 (9p21)

          The CDKN2A (cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A) gene,   inactivated by homozygous deletions with high frequency
          often referred to as pl6 or INK4a/ ARF, is located in the   in various human primary tumors such as bladder and
          9p2l.3 chromosome region. Using alternative first exons   renal celi carcinomas, prostate and ovarian adeno  car-
          and an alternative reading frame, the gene encodes two   cinomas, non-small celi lung cancer, sarcoma, glioma,
          different tumor suppressor proteins pl61NK4a and pl4ARF,   mesothelioma, and melano  ma. Furthermore, deletion
          both of which are involved in celi cycle regulation. CDK-  of the CDKN2A gene is found in up to 80% of T-cell acute
          N2A has been identified as a major susceptibility gene   lym  phoblastic leukemia cases and is associated with poor
          for melanoma. The tumor suppressor gene CDKN2A is   prognosis and disease relapse.

                 9p21.3         D9S1749       D9S1752
                                        3'  5'
                             Gen                    Tel
                                       246 kb
                                WI-728        GCT17B09

                             Gen                    Tel

                                       347 kb

                                 (Not to scale)

                                           Wilkinson DG: In Situ Hybridization, A Practical Approach, Oxford University Press (1992) ISBN 0 19
                                                                                                    963327 4.
                                                                            Schwarz S, et al. (2008) Cytometry A 73: 305-11.
                                                                                Quelle DE, et al. (1995) Cell 83: 993-1000.

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